Ecobudget Hand Roll Towel Virgin Fiber 1 PLY 640 SHEETS with Perforation 6 ROLLS / CASE with wrap

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Ecobudget Hand Roll Towel Virgin Fiber 1 PLY 640 SHEETS with Perforation 6 ROLLS / CASE with wrap


Ecobudget Hand Roll Towel Virgin Fiber 1 PLY 640 SHEETS with Perforation per Sheet, 6 ROLLS / CASE Absorbent & Hygienic

Perforated Sheets – No need for dispenser. Just pull the sheet from the roll. Same as kitchen towel.

With wrap

Absorbent & Hygienic




Ecobudget Hand Roll Towel Virgin Fiber 1 PLY 640 SHEETS with Perforation per Sheet, 6 ROLLS / CASE with wrap

Absorbent & Hygienic